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What is linc?

linc is collection of libraries for the Haxe c++ target.

“Low-level Interfaces Native Collection”


Haxe is an expressive, beautiful modern programming language
that compiles its own code into other languages. learn more


Haxe and hxcpp give us direct, truly native access to c++.

Using extern class, we can use native libraries from Haxe code,
without significant overhead, without boxing, just pure c++ -
all while enjoying the Haxe language features as well.


linc is a collection of native extern libraries that lean on the
hxcpp build toolchain - to create a link between native and Haxe code.

linc libraries follow a set of guidelines to allow consistently structured,
self contained, easy to drop in native libraries that leverage the
powerful Haxe/hxcpp features available to us.

The purpose of linc as a collection is to build and maintain a
repository of quality, reliable tools that are framework agnostic,
low friction, and help expand the usefulness of Haxe in the wild.


A linc library aims for being :

A linc library conforms to a strongly held set of guidelines.

In depth details


linc is a new initiative!

We’re not done tying off loose ends.
However, many of the libraries are already usable.

We are sharing this sooner for the sake of collaboration
and feedback, and look forward to pushing the Haxe
eco system forward - together with the community.

All feedback and discussions welcome,
Please keep the discussion on the linc repo for the time being.

Show me!


import sdl.SDL;

class Example {

    static var state : { window:Window, renderer:Renderer };

        //Haxe entry point
    static function main() {

        state = SDL.createWindowAndRenderer(320, 320, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE);


    static function update() {
        while(SDL.hasAnEvent()) {

            var e = SDL.pollEvent();
            if(e.type == SDL_QUIT) return false;

            SDL.setRenderDrawColor(state.renderer, 255,255,255,255);




-main Example
-cpp cpp/
-lib linc_sdl
#-D mac or linux or windows or android or ios

native haxe cpp build output

//Note that the output was stripped of hxcpp meta
//information for clarity with -D no-debug 
Void Example_obj::update( )
        bool running = true;
            struct _Function_2_1{
                inline static bool Block( ){
                        return SDL_HasEvents((int)0,(int)65535);
                    return null();
                ::cpp::Struct<SDL_Event> e = linc::sdl::pollEvent();
                if (((e->type == (int)256))){
                    running = false;
    return null();


Official Libraries

Each library has it’s own readme and library specific notes in their repo.
Be sure to check each one directly for the full picture.

SDL . OpenAL . Ogg . ENet . File dialogs . stb . timestamp . OpenGL . Steam



Ogg vorbis





Libraries that are nearing completion:



Libraries in development

from the community

Submit your library!


Below is some (rough/WIP) information regarding
the structure of a linc library, and how they
would be considered for inclusion in the official list*.

These are mostly guidelines and not rules because c++
is complex, and usually very nuanced, so the actual
outcome for a single library will be based on the native
library in question, and handled on case by case basis.

These guidelines will be refined in practice.

A linc library must be:

A more complete breakdown of all the guidelines in the xml and Haxe files
is to come.

Empty linc template

You can find a starting point for a library here. https://github.com/snowkit/linc_empty

You can replace the word “empty” in the project with the lib name and get started quicker.

Example anatomy

This is an example of the anatomy of a linc library.

example anatomy


Want to list a library above?

*The official list is nothing more than an affordance
for the end user - to know that what they are getting is
going to be well structured, usable, and what is said on the box.

Native extern tips

How do you go about making an extern library?

note that more concrete examples can be found in each repo.
More explicit guides (string conversion, haxe.io.Bytes etc) will be
added here in the near future.

For even more information see the hxcpp talks:

Feel free to ask questions at :




namespace m {
    struct vec {
        float x;
        float y;

        void scale_by(float scalar) {
            x *= scalar;
            y *= scalar;


package m;

extern class Vec {
    var x:Float;
    var y:Float;

    function scale(scale:Float):Void;

    inline function square() : Void {
        x *= x;
        y *= y;


├── m/
    ├── Vec.hx
    └── vec.h




linc is a snõwkit community initiative