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A static extension class helper for RayCollision

meta: @:keep



hitEndX(data:differ.data.RayCollision) : Float
Convenience: get the end X point along the line. Note that it is possible that this extends beyond the length of the ray, when RayCollision end value is > 1, i.e the end of the ray is inside the shape area. If you need that point, you would use ray.end as the point, i.e if(data.end > 1) point = data.ray.end; else point = data.hitEnd();


hitEndY(data:differ.data.RayCollision) : Float
Convenience: get the end point along the line. Note that it is possible that this extends beyond the length of the ray, when RayCollision end value is > 1, i.e the end of the ray is inside the shape area. If you need that point, you would use ray.end as the point, i.e if(data.end > 1) point = data.ray.end; else point = data.hitEnd();


hitStartX(data:differ.data.RayCollision) : Float
Convenience: get the start X point along the line. It is possible the start point is not along the ray itself, when the start value is < 0, the ray start is inside the shape. If you need that point, use the ray.start point, i.e if(data.start < 0) point = data.ray.start; else point = data.hitStart();


hitStartY(data:differ.data.RayCollision) : Float
Convenience: get the start Y point along the line