

snow consists of three main layers :


This is the user facing API that you as a snow user interact with.
The API is where you access everything from that you would use in your app.

It is written in haxe code, and resides in the snow/ folder.

adapter layer

This is the code that adapts the API to the platform you are building for.

It is also written in haxe code, and resides in the snow/ folder.
On native targets, this includes code to load functions from snow.ndll.
On the web target, this includes code that interacts with the browser.

support layer

This is the low level platform specific code that interacts with the target.

This is written in haxe code, and resides in the snow folder (mostly in the adapter).

This is written in c++ - and is built into and loaded from snow native code. It resides in project/src and is compiled using hxcpp


To the guide